The MARVEL KNIGHTS HULK era begins with a self-contained prologue to a 4-part story arc, introducing a mysterious young man who just might hold the key to Bruce Banner - and the Hulk's - future.
In the end this is a pretty entertaining done in one affair, that leaves me hopeful that the move to the darker confines of the Marvel Knights corner of the company is the kick in the pants this book needed. I mean this issue offers up a pretty dark little story as we see Banner encounters a man who is able to see death in advance of its actual arrival, and this in turn results in a story that involves a race to prevent a murder, and the open discussion of suicide. Now the ending left me a bit disappointed, as it doesn't really resolve the problem, but rather it leaves it hanging. However, there's a great little sequence where we see Banner has to escape from a building that is surrounded by police, and there's also a nice page turner moment where it appeared that Banner was shot in the back. There's also a wonderful sense of urgency as we see Banner racing to prevent a murder, and his efforts are smartly inter-cut by the shots of the murderer picking up the knife. There's also a cleve Read Full Review
Such a boring pointless story with only a few fine moments and a decent art.
By the way, now it's Marvel Knights, but it changes nothing! I mean, really. Not the tone, not the quality.