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Iron Man / Captain America: Casualties of War #1

Writer: Christos N. Gage Artist: Jeremy Haun Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 2
7.3Critic Rating
10User Rating

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley Dec 17, 2006

    Once again, we get a tie-in issue better than the core series, another example of what Bendis does best, and what Millar cant do. If theres any reason for crossovers to exist, its for single-issue specials like this. One shot stories that turn the spotlight on characters and shows us what really makes them tick. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Luke Handley Dec 17, 2006

    This issue really does go someway toward making the whole whos side are you on? question worth considering once again. If Iron Man and Reed Richards hadnt suffered the character assassinations they have in Amazing Spider-Man and Fantastic Four, it might actually be hard to choose. If youre following Civil War then I would strongly recommend picking this up. This isnt just filler, its possibly the most important tie-in of the whole event so far and, finally, gives Tony Stark the opportunity to properly make his case for the Registration Act. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Dec 17, 2006

    The artwork is solid, adding a nostalgic tinge to proceedings and making Cap and Iron Man feel a little more human than their portrayal under Millar and McNiven, and the way in which various fan complaints with the event are tackled actually do make Civil War make slightly more sense, but theres a growing feeling that a big event like this shouldnt need these special issues and satellite stories to fill in the gaps in order to make it work. If youve got no interest in Marvels big crossover, this isnt going to convince you, and cynical readers may still find themselves turned-off by this hastily-conceived exercise in money-grabbing, but for a fill-in story like this to be at least marginally successful is a pleasant surprise. However, I cant help but wonder whether the manner in which the story progresses from pseudo-intellectual debate to shallow, emotive speech-making to a hollow, empty slugfest is a sly commentary on the way that Civil War as a whole has panned out. Read Full Review

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