The other side of the coin, of course, is that this is going to appeal to a very specific type of reader -- presumably those with a taste for the old-school. Yes, it co-stars She-Hulk, and god knows it's a more interesting take on Jen Walters than what's been going on in her solo title, but Last Defenders is by no means an earth-shattering, Skrull-infested, internet-bisecting event. You'll know if it's up your alley by your reaction to that last sentence. If you're looking for a perfectly acceptable superheroing piece with Silver Age Marvel sensibilities, here's Last Defenders for you. Read Full Review
If it doesn't, then how about a Blazing Skull solo title? Read Full Review
While I was apprehensive about this series after the first issue, I really enjoyed the second and I appreciate the way Casey is hitting all the right chords in terms of themes regarding the Defenders. This should prove to be a great series for fans of old school Marvel, those who have always been fans of the Defenders and new readers that are looking for a different spin on the Initiative. Read Full Review
Last Defenders is a tough book to get a handle on. By the time the mini-series is over you'll either love it or hate it. Right now I'm enjoying the ride, but I have no idea where it stops. Read Full Review