Marvel Adventures: Fantastic Four #36

Writer: Paul Tobin Artist: Chris Giarrusso, David Nakayama Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1
10Critic Rating
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ALTERNATIVE FILM SCHOOL: The Fantastic Four help out a college film professor by volunteering their time for his top students. Want the FF to star in your disco film? No problem. Want the FF to headline your Jane Austen-influenced romantic comedy? Sure! That can be arranged. Want to use your anti-matter powered film projector to transform a group of cos-players into evil (though quite amateur) versions of some of Marveldom's mightiest heroes and villains, all in a bid to destroy the FF and take over the world? Uhh---now we got a problem...

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Jun 3, 2008

    David Hahn and colorist Mari combine considerable talent to create a hand-made look to the comic book that's accented by the technology of color shading. Hahn draws the characters as unexaggerated people rather than muscle-bound cross-hatched figures. With just a few expression lines and an attentiveness to body language he gives the cast personality. They also get the chance to design new uniforms for some recognizable facsimiles, and these actually are so good that they could be incorporated into the regular tales. The Torch's fire effect differs strongly from the continuity proper version, but it's a neat look and still looks valid. Thanks to Hahn and Mari though, the Torch isn't the hottest thing in the book. Sue is. Read Full Review

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