Marvel Adventures: Iron Man #12

Writer: Fred Van Lente Artist: Chris Giarrusso, Scott Koblish Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

At long last, Iron Man is reunited with his missing father in the heart of Africa--but he has to free him from the clutches of Kiber the Cruel!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate May 2, 2008

    Koblish known primarily for his inking does a good job penciling the book. His Iron Man is well designed and proportionate. Koblish also captures Iron Mans body language whether he be aiming his hands to blast the earth or jetting through the air. Where he falters I believe is with Howard Stark. I cant remember a single scene where Howard Starks mouth isnt comically open. Admittedly Van Lente makes Stark a massive complainer and therefore prone to keep flapping his gums, but Stark wears on the reader visually as he does textually. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Ultimate Goblin Nov 7, 2021

    I don't like the result of that "find dad" story arc, but this issue was nice. Also, the villain here is Kiber. He's super rare character. He has only 4 appearances in Earth-616 (and he's dead actually) and only 1 another here in marvel adventures. Well... It's not like he's so interesting and cool, but it's still nice to see forgotten enemies... He was an enemy of Black Panther in 616, but who cares. I wait 'til Kevin Feige add him in some MCU movies. That will definitely give him a second life.

    + art is great!

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