Marvel Knights: 4 #15

Writer: Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa Artist: Jim Muniz Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 4
6.0Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

DIVINE TIME PART 1 In New York, it's springtime, and business as usual for the FF. The family celebrates Franklin's team making it to the Little League playoffs, but around the globe, the very fabric of time is unraveling. Minutes are vanishing from days and objects from the past are materializing in the present. When these chronal anomalies start multiplying like a virus, Reed, Sue, Ben, and Johnny decide to slip into the time stream to investigate. For seasoned adventurers like the FF, it should be a walk in the park, right?

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Feb 17, 2005

    Jim Muniz's work is a bit uneven; there are times when I'm quite impressed by what he's put on the page, while there are other times when his work looks a little rough around the edges. I mean the visual of the temporal agent that contacts Reed is quite interesting, and the scene where Franklin is confronted by the angry looking time traveller does a nice job of playing up the element of danger. However, the scene where the time platform shatters isn't nearly as effective as one would've hoped, and the one-page spread where the team tries to figure out where they are made for a rather awkward looking visual. Still, while I miss Steve McNiven's work in this book, I will concede that Jim Muniz does have the occasional moment where I can see why I should be glad he's the book's regular artist, and if nothing else he does earn marks for his ability to detail the action clearly. Read Full Review

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