Marvel Knights Spider-Man #7

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Terry Dodson Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 13, 2004 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 10
5.5Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

Just when Peter Parker thought he had hit rock bottom, one of his oldest and most fearsome enemies returns to remind him that things can always be worse!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Oct 19, 2004

    The Dodsons offer up a fairly detailed style that benefits tremendously from its highly expressive facial work, and a great eye when it comes to delivering exciting big impact visuals. Now this latter ability is on full display in the opening pages as Spider-Man battles a number of his regular villains, and I have to say that one-page shot of the Lizard is one of the best looking shots of the character that I've ever encountered. The expressive characters show up later in the issue as Peter attempts to enjoy his high school reunion and the art does a nice job of capturing the collection of awkward moments that surround this event. As for the new design of Venom I have to say I'm not overly impressed, as the spider design elements don't exactly project terror, but rather it looks like an arts and craft project. Still the raw power of the new Venom gets a good showing during the final pages of this issue. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Oct 26, 2004

    Ultimately, I feel that Ive finally reached the point where Im unwilling to give this series the benefit of the doubt any more. Its a shame that a title which has thrown up so many good ideas seems to be having such problems putting it together, but its becoming more and more of a trial to sift through Millars various threads and follow the heart of the story here. It seems as though the writer is keen to create an epic, timeless Spidey story with some classic storyline homages and problems for the webslinger to overcome but in doing so, he has forgotten to ensure it all sticks together properly. A curates egg that provides some old-school Spidey thrills and dialogue with a clunking, illogical framing device. The frustrating thing is, this could have been so much better. Read Full Review

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