Nation X: X-Factor #1
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Nation X: X-Factor #1

Writer: Peter David Artist: Valentine De Landro Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 6, 2010 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 2
7.3Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

Utopia. The sanctuary for mutants to escape a world that wants them extinct. So is it the ideal home for X-Factor? That's what Cyclops believes when he invites the world's only mutant detective agency to relocate to their floating island retreat and take up residence there. But will Madrox and his team believe that it's the best place for them? What old faces will pop up, and what old acquaintances will be renewed? And will there even be a Utopia left when the mysterious Crone shows up and threatens to bring the entire place crashing down into the Pacific? Rated T …$3.99

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Sacks Jan 5, 2010

    It's no surprise that a Peter David-written, Valentine de Landro-drawn X-Factor one-shot should be as involving, interesting and entertaining as any issue of the regular series. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    IGN - Bryan Joel Jan 6, 2010

    Nonetheless, regular X-Factor readers will find a lot to like here. Tangential one-shots for this series are usually hit-or-miss, but fans will welcome the deluge of character dynamics Peter David pours on, and the team's acceptance of their image as edgy loners who want nothing to do with the X-Men's west coast nonsense. This certainly isn't the deepest of X-Factor plots, nor the most ambitious use of the characters, but it is fun, and deserves a large amount of praise for that. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Matt Ampersand Jan 10, 2010

    A doneinone tale that was enjoyable, and a great sampler to give to other readers so they can get a feel of what Peter David's XFactor is like. The character interactions are great and spoton.This could have gone into Buy It or Must Read territory if it wasn't for the uneven art. Read Full Review

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