New X-Men #43

Writer: Christopher Yost, Craig Kyle Artist: Skott Young Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 31, 2007 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 2
8.8Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

Children of X-Men Part 2 (of 2)
The enemies of the New X-Men are on the move. Ever since Decimation, the students of the Xavier Institute have been depowered, blown up, shot down and tortured. Now, on the eve of an event that will change mutantkind forever, the kids have to wonder... are they doomed? Could the last generation of X-Men be ending now? And does one of the New X-Men have the Messiah Complex?
Featuring Endangered Species Chapter 16. Beast comes face-to-face with someone you won't believe!

  • 10
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Oct 31, 2007

    Seriously, this is the best book this week, hands down. I don't know if I have to beat you over the head to get you pick this book up or what, but you've seriously got to try this book out. Grab this and previous issue for an entertaining, and hilarious, read featuring some of the best written characters on the market. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Bin - Zak Edwards Nov 7, 2007

    Skottie Youngs art took a major shift last issue, moving from his clean-cut, brightly coloured visuals to a much rougher and duller appearance. The shift works well, as the kids movement from their last adventure in Limbo back to the X-Mansion needed a different look to it. With the change in writing style, it makes sense that the art changes with it. Youngs characters are dramatic enough to portray what they are going through without too much of a cartoon look, something that happened a few times last arc. The dulled colours sometimes make it difficult to discern whats going on in the darker backgrounds, but Young accomplishes in one silent, five-panel page than a worded page could ever do. Young is set to be replaced by Humberto Ramos next issue, and it is a sad thing to say good-bye to his dynamic, versatile, and very unique style. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    IGN - Bryan Joel Oct 31, 2007

    More than anything, it feels like an editorially mandated arc to drive home the importance of a new mutant baby, which we already knew. It also answers the question of where Predator X comes from, but if you're looking for more than that you can probably skip this interim issue. Read Full Review

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