NYX #1
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NYX #1

Writer: Joe Quesada Artist: Joshua Middleton Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 8, 2003 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

Say hello to a pack of New York City gutterpunks, the likes of which the Marvel Universe has never seen! The X-Men's dream has always been one of creating hope from despair - in a young mutant's darkest hour Charles Xavier will always be just around the corner, ready with open arms and a helping hand. But Xavier can't be everywhere at once. What becomes of a group of young mutants that have to rely on themselves for everything from food to shelter to love? Wayward angels with dirty faces who, instead of preparing for Magneto's next big assault, must learn to survive in the cold, harsh world of the city that never sleeps.

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Brian McCoy Oct 14, 2003

    Theres some adult subject matter here that might offend some more prudish readers, but to hell with them. This is a good story about realistic teens with a hint of mutant abilities thrown in at the end for good measure. Hell, it could be written by a one-eyed monkey with the clap and it would be worth buying for the art alone. Im hoping for an oversized hardback of this baby. Keep your fingers crossed. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Tim Hartnett Oct 13, 2003

    A slightly interesting tale which loses some of its relevance in the mutant aspect; Quesada seems to once again want to reach out to a mass audience he'll never get. This book will end up in the hands of X-readers or other comic shop regulars, and maybe even some scantly dressed, teenage clubgoers. Read Full Review

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