BULLSHIT! You know, it was fine, when Ennis mocked Daredevil, that scene still was really cool and everyone was in their character. That was fine as well, when Ennis mocked Spider-Man. The team-up was still cool, amusing and Peter got his face beaten by a freaking unkillable Russian cyborg. But this... This... this is something else! This is SOOOO FREAKING HUMILIATING for Logan... He's out of character and this whole situation almost impossible to imagine somewhere not in Ennis' work. I mean... Aside from the fact that Wolvie is a freaking pussy here. I noticed, that for two issues he calls himself "Canucklehead". Don't get me wrong, I'm not a native english speaker, so I thought it just something fine, Logan has many rare words in his vocabulary, so I don't translate every single on of them, because I believe I get it in the context. But I noticed, that Ennis set a real accent on this word and I can't remember Logan calling himself like that anywhere else. So, I decided to translate this word and Urban Dictionary helped me (what if not that site...). So, canucklehead is a "Canadian of limited intelligence". GARTH FREAKING ENNIS, IT'S YOU WHO ARE OF LIMITED INTELLIGENCE! That's it, I think he totally lost it... Where was the editor? I mean, Marvel has editors, why this was published at all? And why didn't his face heal? I remember he could heal from a single drop of blood... In like minutes... more