Punisher #14

Writer: Rick Remender Artist: Tony Moore Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 17, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
9.8Critic Rating
10User Rating

FRANKENCASTLE PART 4 Broken and at his lowest, Frank Castle lurks in dark places, hunted by pitiless assassins and their mysterious leader Hellsgaard. Who is this giant skull-faced behemoth and why does he relentlessly slaughter the grotesque?

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Feb 20, 2010

    Punisher is a continuity masterpiece. It's difficult to decide which idea came first because the entiretys plot elements are so fluid. Did Frankencastle generate the supernatural reflection? Did Hellsgaard spawn a memorable new incarnation of the Frankenstein's Monster? Did the idea of a crazy monster-hunting cult trigger it all? I don't know, but it's damn entertaining. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Mania - Chad Derdowski Feb 18, 2010

    Beyond that, it’s just plain fun. Has been ever since it started and it just keeps getting better. I understand that some folks just can’t (or won’t) get it and that’s fine: their loss. As a fan of monsters, Munsters, EC and Warren Publishing, Godzilla movies and those weird-ass Marvel monster-heroes, I just can’t get enough of this series. There’s a really great nod to the Creepy and Eerie mags in this issue that sent me to the moon and had me explaining to my wife, probably in far too much detail, just why I love this book so much. It’s a beautiful love song for anyone who digs that kind of stuff and comes equipped with a sense of humor and wonder. I feel like a kid again every time I buy another issue and as long as Remender is writing this title, I hope we never see the “classic” Punisher again! Read Full Review

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