Punisher #11

Writer: Nathan Edmondson Artist: Mitch Gerads Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 8, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 1
7.9Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

•  A long trail of blood has led Frank here, but how much farther can he go?
•  Abandoned in a South American prison, who could Frank possibly call for help
Parental Advisory

  • 8.5
    Punisher Central - Neil Byce Oct 8, 2014

    In conclusion, this issue was one of the best of the run so far and I am personally hoping that this brings hope for fans that were concerned that this book would be short-lived. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Milo Milton Jefferies Oct 10, 2014

    With a largely plot-heavy issue, Nathan Edmondsons eleventh outing in The Punisher is another awesome read with rarely little put wrong. If youre not reading this book then you really should be, because each new issue is excellent and this one is no different. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Buccaneer Book Reviews - Sir James Oct 14, 2014

    In no way are Edmondson and Gerards taking a different path with Frank Castle. They are however doing him justice by making the path entertaining and incredibly gripping. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Oct 8, 2014

    THE PUNISHER #11 is plot-heavy and never lost sight of my attention. This story arc has so many pieces in motion, but it doesn't feel convoluted at all. It keeps a firm focus on giving us more insight into Frank Castle while successfully balancing interesting developments with the supporting characters and villains. New readers may feel a tad lost, but the way it's written gives you everything you really need to know. For example, you'll have no idea who the cameo is, but you'll understand the relationship the character has with Frank. Edmondson and Gerads may not be doing anything drastically new with the character, but what they are doing is gripping and incredibly entertaining. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    We The Nerdy - Ben Ecker Oct 13, 2014

    The art, by Mitch Gerads, is angular and uncluttered. This usually works in the book's favor, allowing him to focus on finding new ways for Frank to hurt people and for people to hurt Frank. Gerads focuses his efforts on accurately representing the movement of the things he's drawing. The downside of this is that there isn't much continuity for anything from page to page. Even The Punisher himself goes from looking much like we normally see him represented to occasionally looking like Popeye. There is even one progression of panels in which Frank goes from having bruises all over his face to having a completely unblemished visage to looking beaten to a pulp again. So, much like the writing, when the focus is off of the action, things look off. Read Full Review

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