Sentry #7

Writer: Paul Jenkins Artist: John Romita Jr. Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
10User Rating

Robert Reynolds is confronted with a truth that may be impossible to accept -- perhaps the Sentry never truly existed! Trapped within the confines of a lunatic asylum, Reynolds confronts the mysterious professor whose untested formula created the Sentry-or did it?

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Mar 31, 2006

    Im of the opinion that Jenkins isnt presenting us with a story which is intended to be understood completely literally here. Since so many of the story elements are metaphorical or imaginary, the series actually works a lot better if you try to enjoy it more for the atmosphere of confusion and ambiguity that is created by every issue than for the plot itself, as its through this element that Jenkins has most effectively conveyed the feelings of his central character. As a linear superhero book, however, its likely to frustrate readers as much as entertain them. If this series had been the more usual six issues, I think it would have been a perfect length for the kind of story Jenkins is trying to tell, as - in retrospect - too much of the earlier issues felt like padding. The result is that a lot of the books revelations have been pulled on us in the second half of the series, with each issue undermining the ones which have come before it as we struggle to work out exactly wha Read Full Review

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