Son of M #6
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Son of M #6

Writer: David Hine Artist: Roy Allen Martinez Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 31, 2006 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 2
6.0Critic Rating
5.5User Rating

Just how far will Pietro go to restore the powers of former mutants? As Inhumans battle the last surviving Genoshans the consequences prove to be horrific.

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Jun 4, 2006

    I was hoping that Son of M would help flesh out the storyline from the House of M and build off the foundation of the House of M. Absolutely none of that happened in Son of M. And when we finally had Quicksilver face to face with Magneto it was a short an anti-climactic scene. I was also hoping that Son of M would develop Quicksilver into an interesting character. That I would better understand his sudden character shift with the House of M. Hines failed to make Pietro interesting or a character that I could understand and sympathize with. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Diana Kingston Jun 2, 2006

    I'm giving this book three bullets in recognition of the fact that Hine's writing is actually very strong - he certainly has a firm grasp of Pietro's character. This issue falters solely due to editorial mandates; had there been no cause for a flimsy last-moment conflict between the Inhumans and America, and had Hine not been required to set Pietro up for imminent appearances in X-Factor and (one assumes) Civil War, it likely would have wrapped up properly, or at least more cohesively. As it stands, the final issue of Son of M collapses under the weight of its own relevance to other impending crossovers, and matters more for how it affects the Marvel Universe than for how it affects the individuals within it. Read Full Review

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