Spectacular Spider-Man #27
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Spectacular Spider-Man #27

Writer: Paul Jenkins Artist: Mark Buckingham Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 2
8.0Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

Paul Jenkins wraps up his five-year tenure as a Spider-Man writer and brings SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN to a close in a moving, self-contained tale that reunites him with artist Mark Buckingham.

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell May 3, 2005

    Mark Buckingham returns to this title for one last kick at the can, and it would appear that he's decided to bring a new look to the table, as the flashback material does an amazing job of capturing the innocence of Peter's childhood. The Calvin and Hobbes influence over these scenes is ever so apparent, as the young Peter does look like he could have stepped out Bill Watterson's universe, and the snow men creations would do Calvin proud. The art also does a lovely job on the more emotional moments, as the look of utter terror on Peter's face after he forgets his line was perfectly realized, and the backstage chaos was also perfectly presented. I also have to say the final page image is a fantastic goodbye to Paul Jenkins & Mark Buckingham's run on this title, as pretty much the entire cast of characters during their run puts in an appearance, as do the creators themselves. The cover image is also one of the best final issue covers I've ever come across. Read Full Review

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