Spectacular Spider-Man #26

Writer: Samm Barnes Artist: Scot Eaton Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 3
4.0Critic Rating
3.8User Rating

Peter learns the truth about Gwen Stacy's daughter Sarah as a deadly enemy strikes! This is what it's all been building to, folks!

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Apr 14, 2005

    Scot Eaton turns in a pretty impressive showing as while his figures look a little stiff, and the facial expressions are a bit limited, there is a nice level of detail on the page, and the art keeps the material quite easy to follow. The art also nicely delivers the action sequences, as Sarah's action hero manoeuvres were well presented, and Spider-Man's explosive entrance back at Sarah's mansion was a great looking action shot. The battle that follows also has a nice sense of urgency to it, though given the sheer number of pumpkin bombs that were being thrown about the art really should've presented a more explosive environment during the battle, as there's a few too many panel where the bombs don't look to be going off. The final page shot that closes the story is quite impressive though, as manages to capture the underlying sadness of the material. Plus, it's a real lovely shot of Paris. Read Full Review

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