Spider-Man 2099 #11

Writer: Peter David Artist: Will Sliney Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 8, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 7
7.5Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

•  Spider-Man 2099 and the Amazing Spider-Man's worlds collide when Alchemax and Parker Industries are caught in a bidding war for a valuable contract!

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Apr 9, 2015

    My enjoyment of Spider-Man 2099 is still certainly here as I do like a lot of pieces of this, but the book as a whole still continues to frustrate me because it had so much potential after having the character brought into play back during the Superior Spider-Man saga. This installment at least brings Parker in for a bit – and Spot! – and that helps to connect things a bit more amid all that's going on, and post-Spider-Verse. But there's also just this unease that it's weirdly spinning its wheels before the end, making you feel like a lot of things are being set up, but that the potential for them to play out may not be realized. Either way, I've just been glad to get a taste of this particular character and his origin timeline again even for a little while. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Superior Spider-Talk - Kyle Chrise Apr 13, 2015

    Spider-Man 2099 #11 revisits some of the series' original plot points and seems to tie up some loose ends before the series closes Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Infinite Comix - Lewis Reynolds Apr 11, 2015

    Spider-Man 2099 #11 very much benefits from its shift in pace and slower-moving plot, giving the title a little room to breath before Peter David is called upon to tie up various loose ends in the next, ostensibly concluding issue of his run. That this doesn't feel like the penultimate chapter in a series would seem to suggest that Spider-Man 2099 will come out the other end of 'Secret Wars' still standing; perhaps even fairly unscathed. It's probably for the best that readers not ponder other, more disheartening conclusions. Read Full Review

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