Spider-Man Unlimited #1
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Spider-Man Unlimited #1

Writer: Joseph Goodrich, Brian Lynch Artist: Takeshi Miyazawa, Sean Chen Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jan 23, 2004

    A book that is written by untested writers isn't an experiment that I'm ever been overly impressed by in the past, with the last time I seem to recall Marvel trying this formula being the "Marvel Presents" series, which was more often than not filled with some truly dreadful stories. However, I'm a big Spider-Man fan and based on this first issue so are the writers that are being called upon to deliver stories for this series. Now neither one is a real eye-opener but they're both enjoyable enough in their own right, and frankly I've always been rather fond of a series that features a constantly shifting creative team, as every issue makes for a new reading experience. Now I'm not sure about the split format, as I'd much rather have a single 22-page story than two 11 page stories, as the longer length would allow for a more in-depth story, but than again neither one of these opening stories feels like that could've supported an entire issue, so perhaps this format is for the best. In th Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Ultimate Goblin Dec 16, 2022

    I never heard about this series, only saw some covers. Somehow it interested me to read it. There are 2 short stories in every issue, every story has it's own creative team and they do not connect in any way (at least it seems so).

    Well, these series always give me vibes of something like Tangled Web. It's cool to read something else beside the main ongoings. This exact issue was pretty okay for a series like that. The first story with a decent art of Takeshi Miyazawa was about a terminally ill girl who was a fan of Spidey and Peter decided to take her for a ride. Does it remind you of anything? Oh yeah, that's the typical story to make you cry, remember that story where Spidey did the same for a homeless girl? Or maybe that TAS more

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