Spider-Man Unlimited #2

Writer: Adam Higgs, J.T. Krul Artist: Rick Mays, Paul Azaceta Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Mar 10, 2004

    A enjoyable enough exercise that I'm convinced Marvel should keep this book around if the sales numbers aren't all that bad, as so far the new writers have managed to offer up stories that I found quite entertaining. This issue manages to play with elements in Peter's world that haven't been given all that much attention in the main titles, as the opening story offers up a look at how Peter's duties as a teacher mesh with his role as a costumed crime fighter, while the second offers up a solid character study as we see Mary Jane is confronted by the knowledge that her job makes a minimal impact on the world, but she's subjected to the adoration of the public while her husband is subjected to their collective scorn, in spite of his continued efforts at making the world a better place. Now the first story tries a little too hard when it comes to it's humor, as a result there's a couple groans, while the second story suffers from a final speech that feel a little too well spoken for the c Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Ultimate Goblin Dec 16, 2022

    It was just great! THAT'S what I was waiting for! Very simple stories, but they give you something other Spider-Man series simply can't or don't want to. The story where Peter checks tests of his students? And drops the papers to catch a guy falling from a roof? And after that just flies to catch all the lost tests? I dunno, it's great, I can't remember ANY time Peter did something like this in TASM. Like yeah, Straczynski loved to show him helping his students or studying them after the lessons, but not checking their tests.

    And the second story... To be honest, it reminds me of the second part of Spider-Man: The Other, where Mary Jane was a main character and she saw Peter fighting Tracer on the TV, but this story is still good more

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