Spider-Man Unlimited #3

Writer: Tom McLaughin, Brandon Thomas Artist: Scott Kolins, Ale Garza, Sean Parsons Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 5, 2004 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell May 11, 2004

    As for the second story this issue takes a closer look at the often neglected spider-sense, as it does seem like the creative teams seem to forget about this ability when they need Spider-Man to be blind-sided by a surprise attack, so it was nice to see this issue managed to make the ability the central focus of the story. I'm also a sucker for high flying Vulture action, and this story manages to deliver a pretty entertaining, if somewhat predictable encounter. I do have to call foul at the scene where we see the Vulture pull out a gun and start blasting away though, as it made the character out to be a common thug, rather than a super-villain. The art by Ale Garza does a solid job of convey the sense of speed during the sequence where Spider-Man is taken on a wild ride by the fleeing Vulture. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Ultimate Goblin Dec 16, 2022

    The first story was really good, never saw something like this anywhere else in Spider-Man comics. The second with the Vulture was kinda more generic, but it still had an interesting thoughts about life, death and coincidences. I'm still enjoying this series and if things won't stop going this way, I may love this series even more, than Tangled Web, because Tangled had many crappy issues between the masterpieces.

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