Spider-Man Unlimited #12

Writer: Christos N. Gage, Tom Beland Artist: Mike McKone, Sean Phillips Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 2, 2005 Critic Reviews: 0 User Reviews: 1
N/ACritic Rating
9.0User Rating

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  • 9.0
    Ultimate Goblin Dec 18, 2022

    That was just amazing! All of these artists and writers are professionals and these stories prove it. The first one with Big Wheel back after 20 years, but not as a villain, was cool at least because it's a BIG f*cking WHEEL! Not the best story in a world, but for this series it's on a very high level. However, the second one was even better. One of Peter's students lost his parents the way Peter lost uncle Ben and Spidey gathered Avengers who lost their relatives to talk with the boy and every single one of them had a panel, where Peter described how they all spoke to him in their own manner. I can't imagine how cool it was for this boy. Plus the artist of Marvel Zombies... He's not THAT cool here, as there, but still fine.

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