Spider-Man's Tangled Web #16

Writer: Daniel Way Artist: Leandro Fernandez Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
7.0Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

A tale of prison survival starring one of Spidey's old foes, Tombstone!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Richard Frankel Jul 25, 2002

    I was thinking of giving up this series, but this new creative team has instilled new hope for the one shot genre. Take note of the writer and artist, Daniel Way and Leandro Fernandez. Tangled Web gives new creative teams the chance to show off their talents using characters from the Marvel Universe. It's a good idea on Marvel's part to show that they're interested in bringing new faces onto their team. If you've been hesitant coming aboard these series of one shots, then you should take another look. They tell good stories from people who have something of meaning to say. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 3, 2002

    This issue was certainly more enjoyable than I had expected it to be going in, as writer Daniel Way takes the basic plots that one expects to find in stories set in prison, and manages to make pretty good use of them. Now there's no shocking twists in this issue beyond the revelation that Tombstone has himself a fairly serious heart condition, but the issue moves along at a fast enough pace that one never gets bored. The issue also has fun with the idea that Tombstone is an unredeemable creep who specializes in making trouble for himself & others. It also does a pretty nice job playing up the idea that Tombstone isn't afraid to play dirty. In fact this issue shows us that this is his preferred method of doing things. Still, I couldn't help but feel that Daniel Way could've exercised a bit more imagination on this story, as almost all of the plot elements that we encounter in this issue will be quite familiar to anyone who has watched more than half a dozen films set in a prison environ Read Full Review

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