Spider-Man's Tangled Web #17

Writer: Daniel Way Artist: Leandro Fernandez Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

Tombstone's plan to escape from prison may end up with him laid out and dying.

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Sep 5, 2002

    Truth be told I didn't expect much from this story going in, as I've never been a big fan of the character Tombstone, and I've seen enough prison films that I'm familiar with the clichs that come with such stories. However, I have to give this book full marks for exceeding my expectations, and while the story the story is far from being a masterpiece, it was a fun romp, and Tombstone's escape plan is actually quite clever. Sure it's overly complex and far too dependant on elements that Tombstone has no direct control over, but in the end it holds together rather well, and it doesn't ask for any outlandish actions in order to succeed. The story also does a pretty good job of presenting Tombstone as a complete bastard, as the final couple pages of this issue are sure to earn Daniel Way the wrath of the small, but fiercely loyal fans of a certain third string villain, who discovers that Tombstone is a poor choice for an ally. Read Full Review

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