Spider-Man's Tangled Web #18

Writer: Ted McKeever Artist: Ted McKeever Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

The return…of TYPEFACE! Wait, who? You mean you don't remember Typeface? Well, that doesn't matter. He's back, and he wants REVENGE on Spidey! And who is the mysterious figure known as…Spellcheck?

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Oct 2, 2002

    A delightfully silly issue, where Ted McKeever has all sorts of fun with the idea that an obsessed party will go to extraordinary lengths. Now I'll admit my own online encounters with the grammar police had me instantly casting SpellCheck into a role that I'm not entirely certain Ted McKeever had envisioned for the character, but I had a grand old time with the final exchange between Typeface & SpellCheck, as there have been times when being able to bonk someone on the head with a giant letter would've been the ideal solution. In any event, this issue is a fun, throwaway issue, that has a humorous idea it wants to present, and the issue ends right about the time when the joke was going to run out of steam, so Ted McKeever paced this issue quite nicely. I also have to credit Ted McKeever for actually making Typeface work, as after my last encounter with the character, I never wanted to see him grace the pages of a comic again. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Ultimate Goblin Nov 6, 2022

    Oh no, Ted McKeever... Again. He's stalking me... However, he was not that bad here. And the story was fine too. Not really good, but okay. Kinda funny, I would say.

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