Star Wars: Return of the Jedi: Ewoks #1

Writer: Alyssa Wong Artist: Caspar Wijngaard, Kyle Hotz, Lee Garbett Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 12, 2023 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 3
8.4Critic Rating
5.7User Rating

On the moon of Endor occupied by the species called Ewoks, a group of these stout creatures has gathered around the fire to recount tales of triumph, defeat?and horror!
In the art-forward manner of storytelling, watch an eclectic group of artists interpret the stories from the unique minds of Ewoks in a manner only they can envision!
This can't-miss issue for Star Wars fans of mirth, merriment and artistry is the book you've been craving!
Rated T

  • 9.6
    You Don't Read Comics - Russ Bickerstaff Apr 13, 2023

    Wong has done an excellent job of writing a huge range of different stories for a huge range of different art styles that all managed to deliver surprisingly different moods, motions, and emotions without ever saying a single actual word. It speaks to a very impressively simple and versatile group of characters who never really achieved their full potential in the 1980s when they were created. In a modern era of endless kawaii-cute adventure characters, the Ewoks continue to show real potential for ongoing adventures in one of the more popular and enduring space fantasy worlds in the history of science fiction. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jun 21, 2023

    I put off getting to this issue for a while because, well, Ewoks. It's not that I'm against them or anything but I'm wary of anyone telling good stories with it. And that this is an anthology just makes it all the harder because you're not able to invest any time with anyone. Even a full single-issue story would allow for more connection. The stories here are interesting with only one of them not to my liking but they're simple and not much more than that. I thoroughly enjoyed the artwork for most of them, and doing a black/white/red installment was a surprise that worked out well, but there's not much here that's going to be memorable overall. It has its moments, however, and for the deep-cut fans this might be worth just knowing about. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Comicbook Dispatch - dragoncache Apr 12, 2023

    Star Wars: Return of the JediEwoks #1 reminds us that the inhabitants of Endor were much more than teddy bears with spears. As in the film, they represent an ordinary person confronting a more powerful foe. Like David challenging Goliath, or the thirteen colonies taking on the British Empire, bravery and determination can help anyone achieve victory. Perhaps that explains why, forty years on, the Ewoks still speak to Star Wars fans. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Patrick Cavanaugh Apr 12, 2023

    Ewoks is playful, silly, heartwarming, and inspirational, all things which Star Wars often tries to achieve in all of its stories. Read Full Review

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