Star Wars: The High Republic #10

Writer: Cavan Scott Artist: Ario Anindito Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 24, 2023 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 5
8.0Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

KEEVE TRENNIS and bond-twin TEREC have defected to the villainous NIHIL.
With AVAR KRISS and her former master closing in, Keeve must make a terrible choice. Can she take an innocent life to secure her place within the TEMPEST?
A turning point is reached in the lives of THE JEDI OF STARLIGHT BEACON. The shadow of the Nihil has never loomed larger!
Rated T

  • 8.0 - Charlie Ridgely May 24, 2023

    This is also a comic that never overstays its welcome, closing at just the right time, leaving you satisfied but also making you wish there was just a little bit more. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jun 1, 2023

    This High Republic series had me quite interested in it from the start by looking at Jedha at this time, the various factions, and a worn down Jedi just trying to live life for a bit without anything to cause him serious problems after all that he'd seen. What we got didn't deliver on some of the promise of it or the things I had hoped for but it had some decent fun along the way and expanded on this era decently enough to make me more interested in it and some of the players. I'm definitely game for another round to see more of what Vildar, Tey, and Matty can get up to and to explore some of them more, especially with Matty and digging into Vildar's past a bit more. It's a solid enough piece overall that will certainly appeal to High Republic era fans. Read Full Review

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