Thanos vs. Hulk #2

Writer: Jim Starlin Artist: Jim Starlin Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 14, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 4
6.5Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

• Jim Starlin continues his epic tale of Smash versus Space!
• Can the Hulk withstand the devious machinations of Thanos?!
• Meanwhile, Annihilus plots to exploit Big, Green and Mean in a most unexpected fashion.

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Charles Joy Jan 15, 2015

    With this issue, we are halfway through the four issue cosmic mini-series romp. It looks like it is well paced and on track to delight and amuse. And while after the mini-series no one will be that much worse off, I have a feeling Annihilus will be back to his former glory " something that was much needed from the events of Annihilation. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics: The Gathering - SeanerSurfer Jan 15, 2015

    If anyone but the diehards are still buying this series, they are looking for some big nod to the next stop in Starlin's Infinity saga - The Infinity Relativity. This series could be seen as a prelude, but it's not as it was advertised. I have a bit of a Thanos collection so I'll keep biting, but I want more! In #3 we can look to see the Hulk unchained and ready to cause some chaos. I'd in for that much, at least. Read Full Review

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