The Pulse #12

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Michael Gaydos Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 6
8.0Critic Rating
7.1User Rating

The Jessica Jones / Luke Cage baby is coming! The first baby born in the post-House of M Marvel Universe. What does that mean for Jessica Jones and how can her husband and the New Avengers help her? All this and the mystery of D-Man!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Dec 2, 2005

    Bendis excels in the usual places, with his stylised realistic dialogue and entertaining characterisation both present and correct. He also manages to squeeze a fair few guest appearances of Marvel Universe characters into the story, but none of them feels forced or out-of-place. Whether its Ben Urich talking to J. Jonah Jameson about his case, Warbird giving Jessica a lift to the hospital or Janet Pym putting out the Avengers Assemble call, the inclusion of these faces seems very natural and they serve the story well without ever feeling as though theyre indulgently outstaying their welcome. A good thing too, because the writer has enough on his plate juggling a couple of unrelated story strands here - and since theres no crossover of the subplots to speak of, Bendis has to be very careful with his pacing in order that the reader feels that both stories are advancing sufficiently to keep him entertained on a bi-monthly schedule. Whilst I would have liked to see Ben Urichs in Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Nov 14, 2005

    Best moment: While its nice to know the real Avengers are still unofficially active, nothing confirms Lukes rightful presence among their number better than Lukes awe-inspiring leap into action to get to his girl. Read Full Review

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