Thunderbolts #78

Writer: John Arcudi Artist: Francisco Ruiz Velasco Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Axum is forced to make a hard choice, does he walk the straight & narrow line, or does he cross it and never look back?

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Apr 30, 2003

    An issue that doesn't take many chances, and I can't say that I was surprised by any of the steps that this book took, as it's pretty obvious where the book is heading next. Still, while it is rather predictable, it's also a well executed bit of writing, as Axum is a likable enough character, and by the end of the issue I was concerned about what's going to happen to him next, as right now he feels a bit like the guy in a war movie who takes out the photo of his wife & kid waiting for him back home. I want to see the character succeed, and John Arcudi deserves full marks for making this character into someone you can get behind, and cheer for when he's busting heads in the ring. The book also doesn't shy away from the fact that his fate was entirely in his hands, and that he had the opportunity to simply walk away. In fact my one quibble with this issue is that it never really fully establishes why Axum decided to return to the ring. Read Full Review

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