Thunderbolts #79

Writer: John Arcudi Artist: Francisco Ruiz Velasco Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Meet the champ of the underground fighting league, and then see if he makes it out of this issue alive!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jun 5, 2003

    A somewhat enjoyable issue that is basically a repeat of the same plot we were treated to in the previous issue, though this time out the big fight comes across as almost too easy. I mean surely this "world champion" can do more that stand around acting as a punching bag for Axum, but based on this issue's bout one doesn't really get this impression. Now I'll admit I'm mildly interested in what Axum's going to do now that he's gotten a good look at what life is like for a fighter whose fallen out of favor, and I get a pretty strong sense that Axum's decent is going to hit pretty quickly, which should make for an interesting read. However, this issue spends far too much time establishing the idea that Axum's caught up in some bad business, which is an idea that has already been well established, and as such this issue feels a bit redundant. it also doesn't help that the fight isn't even all that enjoyable, which effectively robs this issue of even its most simple pleasure. Read Full Review

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