Thunderbolts #172

Writer: Jeff Parker Artist: Declan Shalvey Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 4, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5
7.9Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

THUNDERBOLTS VS. THUNDERBOLTS PART 1 Years Ago, in the wake of the world's battle with Onslaught, a ragtag group of the Marvel U's greatest villains came together to form the Thunderbolts! Now, their villainous ways may get the better of them!

  • 10
    Outer Realm Comics - Ellis J. Wells Apr 7, 2012

    I have loved every issue of this epic 12 part time-travel arc, and this issue is no exception. Probably the most exciting, due to the high stakes (and personal geek out) of facing off against the founding Thunderbolts. There are so many bread crumbs still to follow. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Apr 9, 2012

    In a wider context, however, it does feel a little like this storyline has run out of steam. It's exciting to see the old team face the new team, but the time-skipping story is incidental to that. After so many issues, the format seems tired and reasonably easy to see the course of: the team fights the locals, then jumps into the future before the consequences come back to haunt them. We do appear to be leading towards some payoff, but even with this most enjoyable diversion taking place, it's hard not to be reminded that it's long overdue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Apr 4, 2012

    There's been a lot of time travel stories lately at Marvel (in this series and others). I am ready to see the end of the team traveling through time but having them up against the original members of the Thunderbolts is looking to be a fun ride. It's hard to believe it all started fifteen years ago and it's great to see the old familiar costumes once again. The time travel here is handled well as things can easily get sticky. Declan Shalvey does a great job in capturing the look of the original members. This issue is the beginning for a three part arc and you get a sense that some big things are coming. It's going to be interesting to see what happens over the next few months in THUNDERBOLTS. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Apr 4, 2012

    Declan Shalvey does a fair job of keeping the action toned down enough in order to let the story be told, but also knows how to dial up the visuals when called for, especially Mr. Hyde's jaw-dropping, nose-breaking leap and Goliath's subsequent revenge. While his pencils are solid, the inks detract from some images because they do not provide a sense of depth, especially in the opening pages. Still, his work makes for another fine entry in Parker's highly entertaining time travel story. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Apr 9, 2012

    Honestly, with so little worthy substance in the issue, this issue feels more like filler than anything else. Let's hope this is just a hiccup in Parker's otherwise solid run on this title. Read Full Review

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