Ultimate Nightmare #4

Writer: Warren Ellis Artist: Trevor Hairsine Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 3, 2004 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 3
6.5Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

The Ultimates and the X-Men race toward the center of the strange transmissions that have devastated worldwide communications. But monstrous mutations of Soviet super-villains bar their path. Can they survive?

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jan 12, 2005

    A book that features five inkers certainly tells one where the book's production was being held up, but we're close enough to the finish line that I'm not overly concerned that this title is going to become the new Ultimates. I'll also concede that in spite of having so many inkers, the look of the art remained quite uniform which tells me that while he might not be the fastest artist, Trevor Hairsine is providing tight pencils, and isn't cutting corners to meet the monthly deadlines. The art does a nice job of conveying the nightmarish environment that our cast move through, as the generic monstrosities that they do battle are quite unsettling, so that even the human looking final creation that Captain America prepares to do battle with has a creepy quality about him. My only real quibble with the art is that the big impact moment where Jean uses her power to take out their attackers could've been clearer in its presentation of what exactly she was doing, as the blur effect that was u Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Jan 13, 2005

    Im still keen to hang around and see what issue 5 delivers, but if the whole miniseries ends up being one long set-up for Ultimate Secret, which follows on from this story, then Ill be sorely disappointed. Ill reserve complete judgement until I see exactly what happens with whatever the heroes have been confronted with at the end of this issue, but I have a real feeling that the potential of another Ultimate X-Men and Ultimates crossover is being wasted here. A shame, as - with a few little tweaks to the story and pacing the creative team could clearly deliver much better. Read Full Review

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