Ultimate Spider-Man #118

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Stuart Immonen Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 30, 2008 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 8
9.1Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

Pete's buddy Johnny Storm has taken a liking to Peter's classmate, Liz Allen! But something is horribly wrong with Liz, something that will soon affect the life of every student at Midtown High, including Peter's ex-girlfriend, Kitty Pryde!

  • 10
    Comic Book Bin - Zak Edwards Feb 5, 2008

    Immonen and Bendis are shown to be a perfect match-up throughout the entire issue, in one page in particular. With Kitty Prydes AARRGGHH!!! monologue, Kitty is sitting alone in the school cafeteria and opens up by stating (after the AARRGGHH!!!), Stop staring at me! The students foreground of Immonens panel are not staring at her, in fact, they appear to not even realize she exists. Some of the students in the background could be staring, but this panel polarizes Bendis melodrama with Immonens objective pencilling for some very effective and engaging effects. The entire art team needs to be recognized for enhancing Immonens pencils. Inker Wade von Grawbadger creates some moody panels with dramatic shading that make the art team a director of sorts and lends to a cinematic feel. The last panel of the first page is an example of this, with Peter being darkly shaded to reflect his emotional state. This lack of colour is contrasted in a couple of scenes, particularly with the pastel Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - J.Montes Feb 1, 2008

    This issue marks the beginning of the “Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends” story arc, and it's a perfect place for readers to jump on. Bendis does a ton of character work this issue and it's such a good read. It's all driven by the characters' thoughts and there's lots of “Aaaarghh'ss” to be read, but it's hilarious. Everyone has their concerns and problems, and Bendis just nails the life of a young person. Johnny Storm arriving at school to cause trouble with everyone is downright hilarious and Firestar's identity is sure to surprise! Month to month, Ultimate Spider-Man delivers. This issue is no different. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Jan 30, 2008

    Well, with how much time I spent on Moose's little segue, I guess I'll wrap this up quick. Iceman and Human Torch come to Pete's school. Everyone decides to hang out and go to the beach. At a bonfire, much like the last one they had when the Torch was there, Liz bursts into flames and is apparently the new Firestar and a mutant, which should be interesting for the mutant hating Liz. It was a nice twist, if a bit predictable, and ended a great issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Richard George Jan 30, 2008

    All in all this was a lively, amusing beginning that reminds me of some of the classic moments from older arcs of this series. I feel like things are on a bit of a linear, simplistic path, but I'm still entertained - so I can't complain too much. Read Full Review

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