Ultimate Spider-Man #51

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Mark Bagley Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 17, 2003 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 7
8.0Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

CATS AND KINGS PART 5 Is the Black Cat nothing more than a jewel thief? And is Spider-Man really her partner in crime?

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Dec 30, 2003

    Brian Michael Bendis has crafted a pretty interesting relationship between Peter and Mary Jane that in many ways feels more genuine and heartfelt than this same relationship in the Marvel Universe. Now given this is a relationship in the pages of a comic Brain Michael Bendis is quick to realize that having the two in a happy, conflict free relationship is the quickest way to bore the readers out of their skulls, and since he's already played the I'm breaking up with you because being with you makes me the target of numerous crazed villains with a vendetta against Spider-Man, it would appear that Brian Michael Bendis has discovered the other big obstacle that superheroes encounter when it comes to their relationships, and that is the introduction of an equally compelling party who is interested in our hero's costumed identity. Now having Peter cheat on Mary Jane isn't going to gain the character much sympathy, but Brian Michael Bendis does a fairly convincing job of selling Peter's doub Read Full Review

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