Ultimate Spider-Man #54

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Mark Bagley Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 3, 2004 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 8
6.0Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

HOLLYWOOD PART 1 When Spider-Man swings by the set of the film being made about his life to give the producers a piece of his mind, someone else shows up for the same reasons - Doctor Octopus - and he may just shut production down!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Mar 28, 2004

    Spider-Man manages to breach the fourth wall without actually breaching the fourth wall, as he is confronted by the idea that Sam Raimi is directing "Spider-Man: The Movie", and he drops by the set to express his objections to having a movie made about him without having seen one red cent. Now this issue isn't as funny as I'd been hoping to see, but entertaining, and the last page escape of Doctor Octopus looks like it'll add a nice sense of excitement to the story, as one has to believe that Otto is going to make a beeline for the film set to echo his objections to having a movie made about him. The issue has some fun offering up Peter and his supporting cast's reaction to the movie as one has to love Mary Jane's amused reaction, and Kong makes his return to these pages to lead the charge to become extras in the film. Plus, also a complete geek, I have to say I was delighted with the guest-appearance by Sam Raimi and his trademark suit & tie, though I would've loved to see Bruce Campb Read Full Review

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