Ultimate X-Men #25

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Adam Kubert Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 6
6.0Critic Rating
7.1User Rating

The Hellfire Club extends an invitation for the X-Men to join them in celebration. Little do the heroes know that a dark plan has been in the works for years and is about to come to fruition!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Dec 5, 2002

    The big finish to the "Hellfire and Brimstone" arc was a bit disappointing, as while it does feature the emergence of the Phoenix force, Mark Millar has decided that this entity isn't inherently evil, so it busies itself with making the world a better place, until Xavier is able to apparently vanquish it by denying its existence. I have to say that this issue takes two concepts that have proven to be quite strong ideas in the regular Marvel Universe when it comes to generating excitement, and he basically uses them to deliver a fairly tepid climax that is all flash and no sizzle. However, while the Phoenix force ends up being a bit of a dud, the final nine pages of this issue prove to be a wonderful lead-in for next week's "Ultimate War" as Magneto's return to the Ultimate Universe is as ominous as one could've hoped it would be. It should also be a lot of fun to see how this book has changed in the next issue, as I believe we'll be having a bit of a time lapse, similar to what we saw Read Full Review

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