Ultimate X-Men #27

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: David Finch Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 6
6.0Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

While Mastermind and Multiple Man pull a daring heist in the Louvre, Magneto heads to space to destroy a Stark satellite capable of detecting mutants all over the globe!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jan 20, 2003

    Whose afraid of the big, bad Magneto? With the X-Men currently M.I.A. thanks to their involvement in the Ultimate War miniseries, Mark Millar looks to be spending the next little while tinkering around the edges of the main event, and to this end he uses this issue to give us a look behind the curtain, so we can get a peek what humanity is up against in the upcoming battle. Now this doesn't exactly make for the most riveting reading material, as all this issue manages to do is underscore the idea that Magneto is playing for keeps this time out. However, the issue is redeemed somewhat thanks to the delivery of a couple amusing exchanges between the members of the Brotherhood, and I also have to give a thumbs up to any issue that sees fit to focus the spotlight on not one, but three of my favorite mutants (Multiple Man, Forge & Nightcrawler). Still, there is a very real sense that this book is spinning its wheels, as it waits for the events over in the miniseries to play out. Read Full Review

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