Ultimate X-Men #39

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: David Finch Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 12, 2003 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 6
8.0Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

BLOCKBUSTER PART 6 Has Jean Grey gone too far?

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Nov 25, 2003

    Some fairly solid character work is done with the character of Jean Grey in the opening half of this issue, as it's clear her control over the Phoenix Force is slipping, and while she is torn apart by the guilt she feels over having killed the two men aboard that helicopter, the simple fact of the matter is that their deaths are the result of her losing control over something that has been shown over in the Marvel Universe as being able to decimate entire solar systems. Now the resolution to the plot involving the group that was hunting Wolverine is given a rather abrupt ending as the leader of the group decides to end the lives of herself and her men when the X-Men confront her group, and as such the X-Men are little more than spectators in this final encounter. Still I do like the idea that Wolverine has a far more checkered past than he seems to have in the Marvel Universe, as it acts as a springboard for future encounters with people who have a genuine grievance against Wolverine, Read Full Review

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