Ultimate X-Men #42

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: David Finch Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 11, 2004 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 6
8.0Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

NEW MUTANTS PART 3 The debut of Ultimate Dazzler is here! After Hank McCoy's recent embarrassment at the hands of the public, he takes his leave of the Xavier's Institute. Meanwhile, concern grows over Xavier's relationship with the President.

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Feb 24, 2004

    I was actually surprised by how well this issue managed to tie together the previous issues, as the final pages of this issue do a great job of spelling out how the events of the opening chapters managed to present the notion that the President might want to distance himself from the X-Men, as they have become a lightning rod for situations that could conceivably drag the presidency down if the public were to see the President as being too chummy with Xavier merry band of mutants. This issue also introduces Dazzler to the Ultimate Universe and as I admitted to in my opening comments I'm quite fond of this character. Now sure Brian Michael Bendis has pretty much jettisoned everything about the character except the fact that she's a singer and her mutant abilities look to be the same, but I have to say I rather enjoyed the character's decidedly jaded attitude, with her response to Kitty's autograph request being a very cute clash of personalities. A great revelation in the final pages as Read Full Review

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