Ultimate X-Men #48

Writer: Brian K. Vaughan Artist: Brandon Peterson Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 30, 2004 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 6
8.0Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

THE TEMPEST PART 3 The X-Men are close to cracking the case. But the killer known as Sinister is craftier than they imagined. He also answers to a higher power. And if the X-Men thought Sinister was bad, wait until they get a load of his master!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jul 7, 2004

    Bradon Peterson has really emerged as a fine artist, as his figures are highly detailed, and they've lost the stiff, posing for a cover, appearance that plagued many artist that emerged from the 1990. In fact the art gives the characters a fairly natural sense of motion, and it has some fun with the visual appearance of the characters from the guest-appearance by a New Mutant cast member, to a fun sequence where Storm put the fear of Mother Nature into a belligerent tattoo artist. There's also some lovely standalone visuals from the opening shot of Iceman taking on the Brood, to the impact of that final page image. Read Full Review

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