Uncanny X-Men #415

Writer: Chuck Austen Artist: Sean Phillips Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 4
5.0Critic Rating
5.5User Rating

You can't help who you fall in love with. For nurse Annie Ghazikhanian, it's Havok, the recently rediscovered X-Man who was presumed dead, but is actually comatose. But who is the fellow X-Man Northstar has his sights set on?

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley Nov 14, 2002

    A short breather between story arcs, this is a character study in a capsule, similar to 'X-Factor' #87. Nothing special in this issue, but you get your 2 and 1/4 dollars worth. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Nov 13, 2002

    I'm glad to see Northstar emerge from comic limbo, and I realize that it's a bit early to be overly concerned with how Chuck Austen is making use of the character. However, two issues in and I can't help but notice that Chuck Austen has already brought out two of the staple plots that one would use if one was looking to draw attention to the idea that one of your characters is gay. Last issue saw Northstar dealing with the blind hatred of a young child, while this issue we see Jean-Paul develops feelings toward Bobby, only to discover Bobby is straight, so his feelings aren't going to be returned. Now we do get some flashes of Northstar's less than pleasant nature, as we see he's not shy about expressing his disgust over the super flirt that Bobby falls for, and one has to notice that Northstar used an attack that he could have killed his opponent. It's also interesting to note that Annie automatically jumped to the conclusion that Jean-Paul killed the person he was fighting. Still, th Read Full Review

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