Uncanny X-Men #419

Writer: Chuck Austen Artist: Kia Asamiya Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 4
4.0Critic Rating
5.4User Rating

Nightcrawler questions his faith. Havok finally wakes up.

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Mar 5, 2003

    I want to like this book as Chuck Austen has assembled a collection of characters who I'm quite fond of, as over the years Nightcrawler, Iceman, Northstar & Havok have all been at the top, or very close to the top position on my favorite character lists. However, to be completely honest Chuck Austen's writing is a little too obvious in what it is trying to accomplish, as instead of hinting of a potential romance between Warren & Paige he delivers a scene that is so glaringly blatant in it's intent that one has to be concerned. There's also the overblown dramatics that occur with Polaris, and in a rather stunning display of how poor a grasp Chuck Austen has on these characters, we see he has Iceman threaten to kill Northstar if anything bad happens to Warren. Now it was nice to see Alex wake up out of his coma, with no apparent signs of brain damage, and Nightcrawler's crisis of faith is fairly engaging, but these little moments simply aren't enough to make me ignore the larger problems Read Full Review

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