Uncanny X-Men #505

Writer: Matt Fraction Artist: Terry Dodson Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 17, 2008 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 4
6.8Critic Rating
6.8User Rating

LOVELORN PART 2 The shockwaves caused by Simon Trask's press conference ripple, making anti-mutant hysteria hit a fever pitch. Meanwhile, Angel and Beast assemble the Fringe Science Team in the far north of Canada.

  • 8.1
    IGN - Bryan Joel Dec 17, 2008

    Matt Fraction's Uncanny X-Men is starting to set into a rhythm and it seems like he's becoming more comfortable with the breadth of characters at his disposal. While it's certainly not the best X-Men I've ever read, it's still fun and upbeat in its own way, and that counts for something alongside moodier, brooding books like Astonishing X-Men and X-Force. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Dec 17, 2008

    Now that everything's accounted for, my hope is next month starts pushing ahead full steam once more. There's a lot of good stuff happening here, and the last element needed is some strong forward momentum. But right now? Based on what we've got here, I have faith that we're getting it. Who knew "Uncanny X-Men" could be fun on a monthly basis once more? Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Kyle Posluszny Dec 20, 2008

    There is a lot to like aboutUncanny X-Men #505, but at times, it feels like it could buckle under its own weight. While the various stories being told at once are interesting, they are moving forward at a pace that is sure to irritate some. In other words, it will leave you wanting more, in ways both good and bad. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Mark J. Hayman Dec 16, 2008

    Yes, all very average. Not something one expects from Fraction (for whom "slightly above average" should be a slight), but his hands appear to be tied to some extent, what with all the "Dark Reign" business looming overhead. The book concluded with Emma on the phone accepting a meeting with whom we (now) know. On the one hand, for those of us who have been waiting impatiently for Emma to go all evil again, we're another step closer. On the other, I'm already Normaned out, and it's only the second week. Could be worse, though, I could be Matt Fraction trying to write stories around the latest "event". Chin up, lad, it can't last much more than forever. Read Full Review

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