Guest-starring Ronin, Mockingbird, Tigra and Wonder Man! When one of your old teammates turns into a one man army determined to take out a major target on US soil, what's a former West Coast Avenger to do? Howzabout stage the most insanely explosive intervention in Marvel history? Don't miss the mayhem as Jim Rhodes' best friends from the past form a new crew to prevent War Machine from turning traitor in the book calls “a visual spectacle…it’s high octane, higher-caliber adventure”! Rated T …$2.99
With the recent revelation that War Machine "- with Don Cheadle playing the part of James Rhodes -- does, indeed, appear in "Iron Man 2," this book is set to gain a little more recognition. Of course, the fact that Francesco Mattina's cover looks like a "Transformers" movie poster is sure to help sell a few extra copies of this book. If you miss the West Coast Avengers, do yourself a favor and pick this book up. Of course, you don't have to be a fan of the West Coast Avengers to enjoy a tech-fueled explosives test centered on one man's quest to right wrongs. Read Full Review
War Machine has great potential to offer something different to Marvel readers. That's why it's so disappointing to see Pak fail to capitalize on that potential every month. If I want epic, superhero action and witty banter, I can turn to three different Avengers books and countless other outlets. What War Machine does best is also what it does the least. Read Full Review