World War Hulk: Prologue #1
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World War Hulk: Prologue #1

Event\Storyline: World War Hulk Writer: Greg Pak Artist: Gary Frank Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 2, 2007 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 5
7.4Critic Rating
7.3User Rating

As Hulk's great stone ship approaches the planet, he prepares for the war on the horizon by reliving past conflicts with Iron Man, The Fantastic Four, Doctor Strange and the Inhumans.

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley Apr 29, 2007

    Amadeus Cho. I like this kid. Hes Stephen Hawking and MacGyver with attitude. He may not be as smart as Richards, but hes more imaginative, more cunning, and more compassionate. Thats enough to bring those other brains down.I highly recommend World War Hulk Prologue: World Breaker and Inredible Hulk #106. After the disappointment of Civil War, we need a good ol fashioned bash-up. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Tobey Cook Apr 29, 2007

    Overall, World Breaker is not a bad way to launch into a big event like this, but it suffers from material thats a lot weaker than the main story. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Luke Handley Apr 29, 2007

    Though some people may feel a bit burnt out by the abundance of Wars in superhero comics of late, World War Hulk could turn out to be worth a look. Its only one issue, but Pak does a good job here. I had been planning to pick up the main mini series and pass on the Hulks own title. Now Im definitely going to give it a go. Though some will no doubt complain about another War between heroes so soon after the last, this one has far more potential for destruction and truly epic battles. So bring on the Hulk and let the Marvel Universe tremble! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Matthew McLean Apr 29, 2007

    While Incredible Hulk #106 and World Breaker are mostly exposition to get everyone on the same page before the main event, both are easy reads. World War Hulk has the potential to be a great Marvel event that could cleanse the bad taste that was left by Civil War. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Apr 29, 2007

    Taken altogether, these two issues provide a good grounding for the World War Hulk event, even if Im not convinced that its going to be anything more than an excuse to have heroes fight other heroes for a few issues. Some of the hangovers of characterisation from Civil War are still slightly distracting, but it seems as though theres been a conscious effort to avoid the elements which deal with superhero registration in order to clear the path for a relatively straightforward revenge saga. Lovers of action might be disappointed with how little the Hulk actually smashes here, but I guess that Marvel doesnt want to jump the gun and take anything away from the miniseries itself. A solid start which works hard to make the event as accessible as possible for newcomers to the Planet Hulk storyline, even if Im not sure that itll convert anyone who wasnt interested in World War Hulk already. Read Full Review

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