An offer to join Wolverine collides with an offer from the FF and X-23 is forced to decide if she wants to continue her life as an assassin or take a break and see what it’s like to be a regular teenager.
The previous issue featured Phil Noto's gorgeous art, but this one features the work of Sana Takeda -- and it's perfect. Takeda is absolutely the best artist to draw Valeria and Franklin. Sometimes I see pictures of the kids and I think to myself, "they look so much older than they should." Here, both kids are drawn to appear comparable to their respective ages -- and it's perfect. I just want to squish Valeria, she's so adorable! The issue is packed full of fun and plenty of action. The series takes a light hearted turn (perfect considering how heavy the previous story arc was) and it's a fantastic read. Perfect pacing, incredible art and awesome dialogue make this one of the best books of the week. It also makes me a bit more sad to see this title go come January. If you have never read an issue of X-23 before, you can probably pick up this one and follow along. Read Full Review
This comic was a lot of fun, and I'll definitely be back for part 2. My only complaint is that I had the poor timing to discover the joys of X23 right after its cancellation was announced. Oh well, that's just how things go sometimes. On the plus side, I can happily pick up the remaining issues knowing that I don't have to make a longterm investment in another title for my evergrowing pull list. It's not much in the way of consolation, but you have to take what you can get. Read Full Review
With great characterisation, a fun story and beautiful art that compliments it, X-23 is worth a look while it lasts. Read Full Review
Yes, my friends, it's sad news that X-23 has been canceled. I honestly can't think of a better title to get young girls hooked on comics. This issue is a perfect example of that, though I did find that the new story that Liu and Takeda have crafted in issue #17 is a bit too melodramatic. Male or female, though, if you're looking to add a sizeable dose of teenage drama in your comics, you'll be hard-pressed to find a better book than X-23 #17. Read Full Review