X-Men Forever #1
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X-Men Forever #1

Writer: Chris Claremont Artist: Tom Grummett Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 10, 2009 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 1
6.5Critic Rating
10User Rating

BE HERE FOR THE BEGINNING! Comics icon and New York Times bestselling writer Chris Claremont returns to his legendary run with X-MEN: FOREVER! The shockwaves after the death of Magneto are still reverberating all over the world. Attempting to heal the rift between man and mutant kind, Professor Xavier volunteers his X-Men to go on a mission to capture Magneto’s sole remaining Acolyte, Fabien Cortez! But with Nick Fury—and the entire world—watching over their shoulders, the stakes have never been higher for Cyclops, Jean Grey, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Gambit, Rogue, Kitty Pryde, Storm, Beast, and Professor X. With Tom Grummet bringing Cl more

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Jun 14, 2009

    Grummet is the perfect artist for this series. His work, has for years been at the crossroad of similar retro artists, such as George Perez and John Byrne. He has neither the elegance of Perez nor the storytelling genius of Byrne, but he has all the energy and emotion one would expect for a comic book set in the 1990s. In this series, his work wont be bashed for being retro. Its exactly where it fits and people purchasing this comic book know exactly what they are buying into. This should be a fun ride! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Comic Addiction - Antony Ellis May 29, 2009

    All in all, I’m really excited to see more of this series and in particular to discover where hypothetically Claremont would have taken these characters. The series is shaping up to be a brilliant reminiscence, being nostalgic and very self referential. It almost feels as if time stopped for a while and is now only just starting up again. I only hope that the bi-monthly schedule doesn’t drain some of the brilliance of the setup. Don’t be put off by what you may have thought of some of Claremont’s more recent works which have been generally a mixed bag – X-Men Forever is well worth your time and money. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Jun 16, 2009

    For me, a large part of the book's appeal is visual, with Grummett rendering Jim Lee's designs in convincing detail -- salvaging the best of the 90s, while jettisoning the worst artistic excesses. As a result, it's a fun book. Familiar yet unpredictable. Whether or not it can sustain ongoing interest is another matter entirely, but if similar titles are anything to go by, there's a couple of years left in it yet. It might appeal purely to X-Men historians, but let's face it -- there are still a fair few of us around. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    IGN - Daniel Crown Jun 10, 2009

    In the end there does remain some amount of fun in Claremont's script, even if it is steeped firmly in the realm of blissful nostalgia. If we're being honest, as much as we as a community like to criticize the speculator boom as what nearly killed the industry, there are many of us who never would have gotten into the hobby without it. And in that regard, X-Men Forever at the very least provides an interesting postscript to an important era in the history of the medium. This alone makes the book worth at least keeping an eye on an interesting experiment that may or may not blow up in all of our faces. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Vine - Zack Freeman Apr 24, 2010

    Claremont is a legend whose contributions to the X-Men cannot be understated. If you've grown up on his work, then you're going to love this. If his more traditional style has never jibed with you, then it isn't going to jibe with you, here. This annual's interesting to pick up if you want to see the X-Men interpreted in a completely different style, even if it goes a little too far off from the established looks, sometimes. Read Full Review

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