X-Statix #2

Writer: Peter Milligan Artist: Michael Allred Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 4
8.0Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

Personal issues cause tension within the team, causing major drama between members. Meanwhile, a visit from a rival's lawyer could spell disaster for Venus.

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Sep 10, 2002

    Another issue that makes one question whether the cast of this book are all that heroic, as there's some rather questionable behavior playing out in this issue, from the idea that Guy might be trying to get Venus Dee Milo killed, to Tike's little demonstration of how his celebrity allows him the freedom to do whatever he wants. There's also the use of O-Force as cannon fodder, and Guy setting up a situation where Venus Dee Milo will be humiliated so he can keep her at arm's length. Now with all this unheroic behavior going on one would think that this book & its cast would quickly wear out their welcome, but this isn't the case, as issues like this one are balanced out by the issues where the cast do reveal that they're not all bad, and that a great deal of their behavior is driven by the situation and not the person. Plus there's also the idea that no one in safe in this book, and with the threat of Arnie looming on the horizon, I fully expect this cast will be changing once again. Read Full Review

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