X-Statix #7

Writer: Peter Milligan Artist: Mike Allred Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 3
8.0Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

In the thick of battle, Venus teleports herself and Bad Guy to her cabin, convinced that he is actually Guy Smith! But what if Venus is wrong?

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Feb 9, 2003

    Peter Milligan is working with a fairly familiar plot, as he has the X-Statix battling a villain who may, or may not be one of their own. Now the answer to the question of who is under the mask of Bad Guy isn't a major surprise, as we learn Guy Smith is not Bad Guy, but the book does a pretty nice job playing up the idea that it very well could've been, and the final pages of this issue do a wonderful job of establishing the idea that Bad Guy is a very dangerous character, capable of some fairly disturbing acts of violence. The issue also has some nice little moments, as Dead Girl gets to put on another display of her highly unique mutant ability. This little display also reaffirms the idea that Dead Girl is far and away my favorite character on this team, and she's a very safe choice, as she looks to be immune to the specter of death that haunts this book. This issue also continues to develop Venus as a character, and here's hoping she manages to survive this arc, as she a fairly enga Read Full Review

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